The Nest Platform is a unique building that provides a structure for training and experimenting with new nest building techniques in your yard. It consists of a metal frame with platforms at each corner that are elevated off the ground. The platform can be moved laterally to accommodate different sized birds, providing you with the flexibility to build nest boxes anywhere you like. It can be easily moved to a spot that is most convenient for your particular birds and can even be moved on a regular basis if circumstances change.
In order to use the platform properly, it should be something your birds will actually use. They have to be comfortable while you are working with them to get them to nest in the platform, and they also have to be able to move around comfortably within it. The platform should be sturdy enough to withstand strong winds. If it is not built well, it may collapse under the weight of several hundred pounds of nesting material.
After building the platform, you should cover it with nesting material. This means grass or dried leaves, and it may also include an egg nest or two. Once this is in place, remove the platforms and cover the ground beneath with mulch or shredded wood. This protects the platform from animals stepping on it, such as cats or raccoons. If you have any kind of vegetation that would otherwise be eaten by animals, such as ivy or a vine, it should also be trimmed away to provide additional protection for the platform.
Next, you should remove all of the nesting material from the area. Removing it before you build the platform makes it easier on you, since you do not have to figure out how to dispose of it. If you are building your own nest box, you may choose to simply leave it in its existing condition, or you may want to add some kind of nesting material to the box so that it is attractive to birds. Either way, removing the nesting material beforehand will make it easier to clean up afterwards.
The last thing you need to do is to fill the nest platform with either wood chips or peat moss. Wood chips and molds are especially good because they naturally repel insects. If you are using molds, you should only put a few at the start. Molds will spread if left open. Once the ants or birds have established a taste for the nest, they will be easy to dislodge with a feather duster or other tool.
Building a nest platform does take a little work, but it can be well worth the effort when you watch the birds nesting nearby. As the bird population increases, so will the number of species visiting your yard. These unique birds can provide a host of benefits by building their nest on your property. They add to your garden's aesthetic appeal, and they can even provide food sources, such as nectar from a hibiscus bloom, if you are lucky enough to find one.