tick pro reliance

Ticks and fleas are a problem for both pet owners and dog owners. When you see the tick on your dog's skin, it can be quite alarming. The reason being, that it is in fact a tick that is infesting your dog! Ticks usually reside in the fur of your dog; however, they can also be found in other fur covered areas such as the legs or abdomen. Most of the time, these ticks are quite small and can easily be mistaken for ticks of some other creature such as mites or other animals. Hence, this is why it is important to know how to identify the right kind of tick before you actually treat your dog.

To begin with, you must understand that the vast majority of dog tick infestations in the US are carried by the western black-legged tick. This tick is much more common than its cousin, the deer tick. The most common way to recognize a tick biting your dog is that it will often present with a circular reddish circular pattern which should not be confused with a tick rash - meaning that your dog is probably not suffering from Lyme disease or another tick-borne infection.

To confirm whether your dog is infected with ticks or not, you need to make sure you take him to the vet immediately. The vet will carry out blood tests, which will determine whether your dog is infected with a tick. In case the tests confirm that he is indeed infected, the vet may recommend several treatment options. In the most severe cases, antibiotics may be necessary. Although, there are other alternatives to tick pro. For instance, the use of Ivermectin, which is a compound that helps destroy ticks and other tick infestations, along with your dog's diet can help ensure that your dog remains tick free.

When using Ivermectin or other tick killers, it is important to keep in mind the fact that each tick has been injected with an amount of poison which is very small. Hence, as long as the dog is eating a healthy diet, the amount of poison in his system will remain small. However, in case his diet consists of a lot of raw meat or heavy grains, this could become problematic. Hence, when using such products, make sure you make use of gloves and other personal protective equipment that can protect your dog against the tick's painful bite.

Ticks can be very difficult to get rid of. Although, there are a number of effective tick treatments available today, one cannot overlook the fact that there is no 100% assurance that your dog will not contract a tick disease. This is why one needs to make adequate efforts to prevent such diseases by educating themselves about proper tick care. This includes the use of Ivermectin and other alternatives like tick or reliance.

While the above mentioned details are by all means not to be discounted, it is important to emphasize that your dog's health is not something to take lightly. Hence, irrespective of how vigilant you may be with regard to ensuring that your dog's environment remains free from tick bites, it is always advisable to seek professional help in case your dog has contracted any form of tick-borne disease. Professional veterinarians and scientists have a better understanding of tick biology than dog owners, who may not be as knowledgeable. Hence, by taking preventive measures and resorting to Ivermectin for tick or reliance, your dog is sure to live a long and disease-free life.